Word Games
Colourful game for one or two players. It tests many different aspects of vocabulary and grammar.
Quiz on three topics
Clever word games for people who like playing with words.
How many words can you make in three minutes?
Make words with the falling letters to make them disappear.
Help the anteater to eat the ants.
Make, Do, Go & Take
Gerunds & Infinitives (to & -ing)
Spelling game. Type the word as quickly as possible!
Irregular Verbs - Past Participles
Control your space ship to make the sentence.
Adjective Order
Past Modals
Reporting Verbs
Pronunciation game. Where is the stress? Use the ARROW keys and the SPACE bar to answer.
Stress Monsters - English File
A game similar to Scrabble.
Choose your topic. You have several chances to guess each word. After each guess, the computer helps you by putting one letter in the correct place. There is also a scrambled sentence to give you a clue. Please note this site is American, so 'football' refers to American football.
Find which word doesn't belong in the category.
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